Benefits of Trade Aluminium Windows
We are proud to offer the highest quality trade aluminium windows for installers, businesses and homeowners who simply want the product.
We supply aluminium windows manufactured by Smart, ensuring our customers get a market leading profile made from the high grade aluminium.
Our trade aluminium profiles are the premium option for installers – they are ideal if your client desires a luxury window that packs great style and performance.
Our supply aluminium windows feature a host of benefits that make a real world difference and will enhance your customer’s quality of life.
These benefits include upgraded energy efficiency, improved weatherproofing, better acoustic insulation, advanced security, and attractive, bespoke styles. Let’s take a closer look at these stunning benefits and how our trade aluminium windows are the perfect option for installers in Worcestershire.

Thermally Efficient
We supply aluminium windows with thermally broken profiles that ensure excellent energy efficiency. Our trade profiles feature internal chambers which enhance thermal performance and result in better heat retention. This means your customers will enjoy a more stable temperature in their living space, staying cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Our high quality supply aluminium windows are the ultimate upgrade for your customers who want an energy efficient home, with lower energy bills and a reduced carbon footprint.
Our thermally efficient trade aluminium profiles are a great selling point and a brilliant way to market these windows to homeowners.
Weatherproof All Year Round
There’s no point installing a window that will eventually let down the homeowner. That’s why we offer industry leading supply aluminium windows that are 100% reliable and perform in all conditions for decades to come, ensuring total weatherproofing. As the installer, this gives you complete peace of mind when installing our trade aluminium windows. You won’t face annoying call backs from upset customers, nor have to carry out repair jobs on any new aluminium window installations. We’re confident our supply aluminium windows provide exceptional weatherproofing performance. That’s down to the high quality weatherseals that come fitted with the trade window, delivering outstanding performance that keeps out moisture.
Your customers will never have to worry about damp, mould or rotting – thanks to our high performance trade aluminium windows.

Modern Security
All our supply aluminium windows come fitted with the most advanced locks and security features. You can assure your customers that they are getting the very best security features with our trade windows. Multipoint locking systems are designed to make it almost impossible for intruders to break through the profile. These advanced locks protect the entire window, eliminating weak spots.
In addition, our trade aluminium profiles are extremely strong and robust, making them resistant to high impact forces. These advanced security features are another great selling point, helping you make the case to customers why our supply aluminium windows offer the best security on the market.
Bespoke Styles
There’s no doubt that our trade aluminium windows hold the edge over uPVC windows in the style department. While uPVC frames function well, most homeowners will prefer the appearance of aluminium profiles. That’s because they resonate elegance and class, with ultra slim profiles. Aluminium is a great material to craft and refine into slim designs, thanks to its natural strength and durability.
This ensures your customers get amazing, uninterrupted views from their aluminium windows. Also, this allows a larger surface area of glazing to be fitted, meaning homeowners enjoy bigger windows that let in more light. While trade aluminium windows may be more expensive than standard uPVC, their style and aesthetic set them apart.

We’re delighted to offer a great choice of bespoke styles and designs that ensure you get the ideal window for your installation business. We offer a great range of glazing options, including different levels of thickness. Your customers can choose 28mm double glazed panels, or opt for 36mm triple glazing with our trade Smart profiles.
Furthermore, we offer a raft of configurations that ensure your customer gets the exact style and design they desire. Our Alitherm 300 model can be manufactured with either top or side hung panels. There a limitless bespoke style options with our trade aluminium windows – you and your customers will be spoilt for choice.
Excellent Customer Care
Here at Worcester Trade Frames, our customers always come first. That’s why we make extra effort to provide five star service to our installers, giving you the highest quality supply aluminium windows without any hassle. We aim to deliver a service that helps installers make the most out of our double glazing products.
Because we use industry leading manufacturers, you can trust us to supply aluminium profiles that are up to the job, ensuring an easy installation that leaves your customers over the moon.
If, in the unlikely event, one of our trade aluminium windows has a manufacturing fault, we do our best to rectify any supply problems, helping resolve the issue quickly and fairly.
Our business is centred around making installers’ jobs simple and profitable. Everything we do is geared toward giving the best installation experience for the fitter and homeowner. That’s why Worcester Trade Frames is the supplier of choice for installers across Worcestershire and beyond.
Please contact with our friendly team if you have any enquiries about our trade aluminium windows or any of our other products.
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Tags: Aluminium Windows